Beyond the basics

Learning Beyond the Basics


Its time to say bye, and start your journey with Neptune. While this guide has introduced you to the various classes, Neptune offers a wide range of additional classes and features to enhance your application's functionality. This guide covers only a fraction of what Neptune can do. To unlock the full potential, we encourage you to explore the comprehensive documentation.

Further Exploration


The Sound class allows you to manage audio elements in your application, enabling sound effects, music, and more. To learn how to utilize sound in your app, refer to the Neptune documentation's Sound section.


The Renderables module provides various classes for rendering visuals, including sprites, textures, and more. To create stunning visuals for your entities, dive into the Renderables section in the documentation.

UI Module

The UI module includes classes to create user interfaces, such as buttons, labels, and input fields. To enhance user interactions and create a seamless user experience, explore the UI Module documentation.

Filters and BlendModes

For advanced visual effects, Neptune offers filters and blend modes. These allow you to apply shaders and manipulate how entities are rendered. To create eye-catching graphics, head over to the Filters and BlendModes sections.

There's More!

We highly recommend exploring the documentation to discover all the features Neptune has to offer. The documentation is organized into sections, making it easy to find the information you need.


The world of Neptune is rich with classes and features waiting to be explored. This guide has provided you with a solid foundation, but there's so much more to discover. We invite you to dive into the documentation, experiment with various classes, and unleash the full potential of Neptune in your applications.

Visit the Neptune Documentation to learn more about each class, explore examples, and gain a deeper understanding of Neptune's capabilities.